Our Story
This is where your food comes from.
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Marrora Forest Farm is nestled within the Gadoli and Mandakhal Fee Simple Estate in Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand.

The Estate was bought by our great grandfather David Albert Chowfin from Sir James Henry in 1903, and was a functioning tea plantation till WWI.

He transformed those old tea terraces into a thriving forest plantation, fruit orchards, herb garden, and dairy farm. A slow, life-long process!

In 1965, at the age of 23, Ronnie Chowfin returned with a degree in Agriculture Sciences and a pioneering spirit to farm on his family land in the mountains.

His wife Indira, a city girl from Calcutta, took on mountain life with a smile. She would use farm produce to make sauces and jams to last the year.

Ronnie passed away in 2014, leaving behind the farm to his wife Indira, daughter Divya, and son-in-law Stephen. They started as accidental farmers but slowly learnt the ropes.

Forgotten culinary skills were revived, women were trained and jobs were created. The farm got a new lease of life and no produce went to waste. That's how Himalayan Haat was born.
Our Forest

In the 1980s, Ronnie Chowfin began planting oaks, chestnuts and deodars alongside his fruit orchards. Aptly, he referred to his farm Marrora as a "krishi jungle" or forest farm. Decades later, his family continues to farm in harmony with the forest and protect it from overexploitation and forest fires.

Thanks to our oak forest, we have perennial water springs for irrigation, leaf litter for mulching, and compost for fertilising. Our property supplies water to 14 villages!
The Farm

Nestled among oaks, chestnuts and rhododendrons at 5,500 ft, our farm thrives with regenerative natural farming practices.

We cultivate strawberries, citrus, stone fruit, walnuts, herbs and vegetables without chemicals. No polyhouses or artificial conditions here - our produce grows in pristine natural environs.

The farm is irrigated by forest springs and fertilised by leaf litter and forest compost. The taste reflects the care we put in.

The produce is harvested at its peak ripeness, ensuring the freshest flavours for our preserves, coolers, condiments and other creations.

We tackle job scarcity, migration and widespread alcoholism in the mountains by creating well-paying jobs for our local mountain communities.

By prioritizing hands over machines, we create sustainable and meaningful work for pahadi women. Our flexible schedule allows them to balance family commitments and earn a reliable income.

Through our commitment to handmade practices, from harvesting to bottling, we create employment opportunities for pahadi women. Our flexible hours model allows local women to balance work with other responsibilities.

We bridge the market gap for mountain farmers isolated by location and limited infrastructure. By buying naturally grown produce at fair prices, we empower local marginal farmers.

We conduct educational forest walks for school children and community groups, fostering a deeper connection with nature and raising awareness about environmental issues.
Our Products

Our delicious condiments, refreshing coolers and soothing herbal infusions are made with the freshest ingredients from our mountain farm. You’ll find no artificial ingredients or preservatives in our jars, so dig in without worry.

All products are carefully prepared by hand from tried-and-tested recipes in small batches. This meticulous process guarantees unmatched quality and freshness while enabling us to create sustainable work for pahadi women.

Himalayan Haat products are shipped directly from our farm in Uttarakhand. Our sustainable, innovative packaging comprises glass jars, recycled cardboard fitments and pine needles, reducing our environmental footprint.
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